Chantal Convertini, born 1992 in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, is a  photographer and artist. With a huge passion for film photography, she points her camera mostly & intimately at herself, then at her partner and last but not least at her friends.

Her work has been published in several magazines, online and in print and also shown in several group exhibitions mainly around Europe. Together with Imagenation and especially with KBH.G she also actively worked on bigger exhibitions as artist and curator.

In February 24 she got nominated for the Manor Kunstpreis Schaffhausen.

She lives and works in Basel, Switzerland for over a decade.


2018, Zurich, lightplays @ Photo Zürich

2019, Image Nation Paris, @ Ethereal: A daily poetry 

2019, Los Angeles, series of 4 @ And I Thought About You Every Day Since 

2019, Brooklyn, NYC, Venus, 2019 @Brooklyn Hights Designer Showhouse for Mahwish Syed

2019, Image Nation Paris  – Paris Photo Off

2021, Image Nation Paris  – A modern Romance

2022, Image Nation Paris, curating and exhibiting for “FREE BODIES” May 27-29th

2022, Image Nation Milan, curating and exhibiting for “FREE BODIES” Sept 30th – Oct 2nd

2022-2023, ofCorse – photographs, 8.12.22-12.2.23  @KBHG, Basel

2023, Space25 by Peter Steinmann, photo Basel Collab

2023, photo Basel, focus artist, 13-18.6

2023, HAUTE photographie with Kahmann Gallery, 20-24.9, Amsterdam

2024, HAUTE photographie with Kahmann Gallery, 31.1-4.2, Rotterdam

2024, Kahmann Gallery, Popup 18.4-25.4, Amsterdam

2024, groupshow “the sardines” with Nuar Gallery, 1.6-30.8, Sardinia

2024, Photo Basel with Native Digital, 10.6-16-6, Basel


teaching: retreats, courses & classes

2018, photography portrait evening classes @Vereinslokal Basel

2019, selfportrait workshop with Laura Zalenga

2021, 1st film photography workshop with Lena Aires in Porto

2021, open atelier with “how to business”, “selfportraits on film” and “portraiture” classes

2022, 2nd film photography workshop with Lena Aires in the Normandy

2022, 3rd film photography workshop with Lena Aires in Rome

2022, online course with Domestika on “selfportraits on film”

2023, 4th film photography workshop with Lena Aires in Màlaga

2023, 5th photography retreat with Lena Aires in Thessaloniki, Greece.

2024, one day workshop with Catia Simoes and Shannon Tomasik, Turin, Italy

2024, upcoming: 6th photography retreat with Lena Aires in Stockby, Sweden

2024, upcoming: Glowsperience speaker, October, Sardinia

2024, upcoming: 7th photography retreat with Lena Aires in …



2017, less is more, onfilm photo

2017, interview, death before digital

2018, interview, BAZ (Basler Zeitung), “Fotografie ist meine Leidenschaft”

2018, interview, photologio

2018, god is a woman, sceniusgallery

2019, interview, cicadawheels

2019, podcast, gangolose 

2019, interview, artcollectivemagazine

2019, interview, thephoblographer

2019, article about censorship (german), Kwerfeldein

2019, article about censorhship (english), theinsecuregirlsclub

2019, documentary, frachtwerk

2019, MysteryTribune

2020, myself Magazine, Juli Ausgabe

2020, Osphilia

2020, PhotoSchweiz / PhotoCorona

2020, the light, Portfolio in Schaffhauser Nachrichten

2020, L’officiel México, November issue

2020, photography book, permeable membrane

2020, Lomography Interview

2020, The naked Journal

2021,, January

2021, BaeBe Interview



2021, Brigitte Schweiz, April issue

2021, Portrait in Schaffhauser Nachrichten, issue 19th May

2021, Cultura Inquieta

2021, Buzzfeed interview about suspended Instagram account

2021, Zwischentext 3rd Edition “SEX”

2021, SRF Gesichter und Geschichten

2022, akut, interview on BODY

2022, NZZ Bellevue zu ofCorse

2022, Telebasel zu ofCorse

2022, SRF 2 Kultur zu ofCorse

2022, Schaffhauser Nachrichten zu ofCorse

2022, Radio X zu ofCorse

2023, Kwerfeldein zu ofCorse

2023, SRF Kulturplatz, Nackt im Museum, Interview

2023, SRF Kultur, Sommertips

2023, Interview with Sara Pawlak

2023, Nhudes Magazine, vol7

2023, life interview & interview in fair magazine Photo Basel 

2023, HAUTE magazine, september edition, Amsterdam

2024, podcast episode with artist Katja Heinemann